About me
My name is Michael Thalhammer and I come from Graz, which is in green Styria. I am a father of three grown-up children and a grandfather several times over. I now live in Vienna with my wife Maria. Before I retired (I am now 70), I was mainly active in the social sector, but I also worked as a craftsman.
I was never a technician, but I was a tinkerer from an early age. As a 6-year-old boy, I built a usable blender for my mother with a hand crank.
My wife occasionally jokingly calls me "material tester". She gives me advice and helps me with text editing.
For 20 years, I have been developing sustainable technological ideas in the fields of mobility, agriculture, zero-plastic, sustainable building and much more.
As an open-source networker, I would like to see my ideas implemented on the free market by www.tubewaysolar.at or www.enkeltauglichkeit.eu.
For Michael on his 70th birthday
You don't look 70,
You're far from being an old man
You ride your bike all over Vienna
You can still work on your knees
You're still super fit in other ways too
You don't always notice everything ;-)
But that doesn't always have to be the case
The way you are, you're fine
You are always busy
With inventing and thinking
You want to change the world
The computer is your faithful companion
Sending e-mails and networking
And you're always getting somewhere
Very popular as Michi Grandpa
For reading aloud, building Lego
and whatever else there is
You are communicative and helpful as
Only on the mobile phone, where you can never be reached ;-)
Only the best for your 70th birthday
And hopefully many more celebrations together!
Written by my stepdaughter Susanna - 21. 07. 2021- THANK YOU!
I am amazed at my old life, its changing relationships and all the aberrations. But the Lord's subtle intervention has lovingly corrected me who was of little faith. Otherwise I would still be laboriously trying to redeem myself today.
Today I live in deep gratitude and trust that I too am a child of God.
By forgiving everyone and asking forgiveness of those I have hurt, I hope that we will have a deep encounter with our kind Creator - who is, after all, the source of all life.
LINKS (perhaps open with Copy-Past& Search)
Youtube-Video: Tubewaysolar-for a clean future: in www.youtube.com/watch?v=19YDKukm2vc&t=18s enter and too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19YDKukm2vc&t=18s
Youtube - Tubewaysolar-Verkehrssystem der Zukunft - in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuPNSNTFeUw
http://faculty.washington.edu/jbs/itrans >> list of 100+ systems >> Photoindex#1 - hier sind technisch ähnliche Konzepte (und TubeWay) zu sehn und beschrieben. - Technically similar concepts (TubeWay) can be seen/described here
https://www.buch-der-synergie.de/c_neu_html/c_11_12_neu_mobile_prt_04_kapsel.htm and https://www.buch-der-synergie.de/c_neu_html/c_11_12_neu_mobile_prt_15a_hyperloop.htm also https://www.buch-der-synergie.de
Auch in youtube - Video: Werden in der Zukunft Menschen in einer Rohrpost befördert? unter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zKFXlEW15A
Wandelemente mit 100%igem Holzeinsatz - Video www.vimeo.com/293395008 .
www.bluesky-energy.eu >> Greenrock Salzwasser-e-Speicher
Amazing TerratecPaperPotTransplanter HP-16 for Various Crops! Kombiniert mit 3 parallelen Paper Pot-Transplantern ist hochrationelles Gemüseaussetzen gewährt - see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loicvLfg9lM&t=52s
www.sonnenhaus-institut.de & www.solarthermie-jahrbuch.de
Sand - eine knappe Ressource https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yo2iKnHT3m8
www.ecocell.ch Öko-Bauelemente vom Erfinder Arch. DI Fredy Iseli
www.energiesparwerk.de, www.sun-and-ice.de/ Solarkocher & www.sunoven.com/
www.RadioMaria.at tägl. 24 Stunden buntes katholisches Programm, Werbefrei, mit Digitalempfang. Die Radiothek hat Glaube und Wissenschaft mit Wolfgang Wehrmann.
Auch die Büchlein von Dr. Herbert Madinger haben mir sehr im Glauben geholfen.
www.marysmeals.org Eine Schale Getreide verändert die Welt.
www.was-darwin-nicht-wusste.de - Phi, Goldener Schnitt, Fibonacci-Zahlen
www.wernergitt.de, & - Evangelisation-podcasts www.bibelwissen.ch
... have fun browsing ;-)